2020 CIMC-MOMA加拿大国际音乐大赛大师课

2020 CIMC-MOMA加拿大国际音乐网路大赛即將拉開帷幕,本次赛事评审阵容強大,并將增加小提琴、钢琴及声乐的大师课程。「凡参赛选手将可以亨受半价上一对一大师网课,各组前三名將获得高额奖学金,参加2021年意大利多洛米蒂音乐节」


Le Yi Zhang – Violin

Born in Shanghai China, violinist Le Yi Zhang was a first prize winner of the Violin Competition in Aspen Summer Music Festival. In 1980, Le Yi Zhang was among the first group of Chinese students to be chosen to study with Lord Yehudi Menuhin, Maestro Alberto Lysy, and Ana Chumachenco at the prestigious International Menuhin Music Acadmy in Gstaad, Switzerland.

Le Yi Zhang made a triumphal return to her homeland performing Bach, Telemann double violin concertos with Lord Yehudi Menuhin and solo concerts with the Central Philhamonic Orchestra in the People’s Hall in Beijing two years later. In 1984, she received a diploma with distinction from the IMMA.

After winning the violin competition in Aspen, Le Yi Zhang has been awarded a full scholarship to study with the eminent pedagogue Ms.Dorothy Delay at the College Conservatory of Music in University of Cincinnati, and the prestigious Juilliard School in New York.

Shortly after receiving her Masters degree from the Juilliard School, Ms. Zhang was appointed as assistant concertmaster of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, a position she held for many years. While working with the orchestra, Ms. Zhang also performed regularly in solo and chamber music concerts through out North America. Her performances have been recorded on CBC classical music radio programs in Montreal.

In 2003, Ms. Zhang created the “Music in the woods” open air concert series in Limburg, bringing classical music into the beautiful nature of woodland in south of the Netherlands. Her performances with great artists such as the famous Dutch bariton John Brocheler and soprano Angelina Ruzzafante have received high acclaim from the public.

In 2009, Ms.Zhang was invited as guest concert-master of the Shanghai Sinfonietta, performed at the Shanghai Dong Fang Art Center and made a well received concert tour in seven cities in France.

In addition to her performing career, Ms. Zhang also actively engages in teaching. She taught at the McGill Conservatory of Music in Montreal Canada for many years and is frequently invited to give master classes and lectures in China. She has taught at Shanghai Conservatory of Music, the Summer Music Academy in Huangshan and Lin An. Her lecture “Body balance in instrument playing” has received high acclaim among musicians, teachers and students, her students have won prizes at international violin competitions, as well as taking leading positions in symphonic orchestras in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and China.

张乐怡女士,旅欧美华裔小提琴家。 1980年中国改革开放后第一批被选送瑞士国际梅纽因音乐学院深造。1982年在北京人民大会堂和 世界著名小提琴大师梅纽因同台演奏巴赫,维瓦尔第,泰利曼等小提琴二重奏协奏曲,并和中央乐团合作演奏莫扎特小提琴协奏曲。

1984年荣获美国阿斯本国际音乐节小提琴比 赛第一名。

张乐怡女士的音乐艺术生涯可谓丰富多彩。 自 1990年受聘担任加拿大蒙特利尔交响乐团副首 席后,她曾多次在世界各地国际音乐节上演奏 贝多芬,门得尔松,莫扎特,巴赫等小提琴协奏曲。 并与德国柏林爱乐交响乐团首席ThomasBrandis, 美国纽约交响乐团首席Glen Dicterow,美国费城交响乐团首席Norman Carol及著名钢琴家Claude Frank,Ilana Vered,Gilbert Kalish等同台演奏室内乐重奏。

作为演奏家和乐团副首席,张乐怡还同时兼任小 提琴教学。她曾任教于加拿大麦基尔音乐学院, 并在上海音乐学院和上海音乐学院附中讲学和举 办专题讲座。 2006年,张乐怡应上海音乐学院丁芷诺老师邀 请相继在黄山和临安国际弦乐夏令营讲学和举办 专题讲座。为了探讨小提琴演奏中因肢体动作 紧张而引起的各种技术问题以及乐队演奏员中常 见的职业病,多年来张乐怡不断学习和研究人体 动作意识并运用于小提琴演奏和教学,她的专题 讲座“人体动作意识与小提琴技巧发展”曾指 明和帮助专业演奏者和学生们解决了很多小提琴 演奏中常见的难题,引起了很多师生,家长们的重视,被大家视为非常科学和实用的教学方法。

2000年张乐怡从北美移居欧洲,在荷兰,比利 时和法国巡回演出独奏和室内乐重奏。2003年张乐怡女士在荷兰南部林堡省发起和创办了首届 “森林古典音乐会系列”,把优美的古典音乐 带进了自然风光美丽的荷兰南部森林风景区, 受到了当地政府和音乐爱好者们的热烈好评。 同时她又在荷兰,比利时,法国等地举办“天才儿童小提琴培训班”,为当地儿童特别是很多 华人子弟提供学习和进修小提琴演奏的机会。张乐怡女士曾就读于中央音乐学院附中,师从 韩里教授。她幼年时便充分显示出了音乐天赋,11岁就担任上海人们广播电台少年儿童广播乐 团独奏演员,并和上海广播乐团,上海芭蕾舞团 合作演出。1980年张乐怡毕业于中央音乐学院附中,随即 被选送往瑞士国际梅纽因音乐学院深造。1984 年张乐怡荣获梅纽因大师亲自颁发的瑞士国际梅 纽因音乐学院荣誉证书。同年在赢得了美国阿斯 本国际音乐节小提琴比赛第一名后,她受到著名 小提琴教育家朵罗茜.迪蕾的青睐,并以全额奖 学金被美国辛辛那提大学音乐学院录取,选入多罗西.迪蕾教授班上学习。她曾两次赢得辛辛那提大学音乐学院小提琴比赛第一名。 1987年张乐怡获得辛辛那提大学音乐学院艺术家文凭。同年她又以优异的成绩考入美国朱利亚音乐学院,获最高奖学金,继续跟随迪蕾教 授和小提琴家马萨奥.卡瓦萨基学习。1989年获 得美国朱利亚音乐学院硕士学位。


Alexander Boyd

Appreciated for the sensitivity and integrity of his interpretations, pianist and composer Alexander Boyd enjoys an international career as both soloist and chamber musician.

Born in 1972 he made his Concerto debut in 1983 with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra playing Mozart’s 1st Piano Concerto conducted by Yerzy Maksymiuk, and since his London Wigmore Hall debut in 2001 he has performed at many of the world’s concert halls and international music festivals.

The year ahead includes concerts throughout the UK including London’s South Bank Centre, Wigmore Hall, Barbican, Conway Hall, Oxford and Cambridge Universities and the Barber Institute in Birmingham. He will also give recitals in the USA, Spain and Italy, and Mexico for the first time under the auspices of Pro Musica.

He frequently returns to Australia where he has appeared at many major concert halls and music festivals, and 2020 will see a return for several recitals which will include premiere performances of his new composition “The Bride Suite”, based on the art works by his grandfather Arthur Boyd.

Alexander’s discography includes recordings of Chopin, Debussy and Schumann for the Abbas label, and more recently much of the Spanish repertoire with Claudio Records.

Recordings of Goyescas by Granados and the Iberia Suite by Albeniz were described by International Piano Magazine as “riveting, compelling and utterly haunting, full of poetry, technical virtuosity and Spanish atmosphere. First class” and by Musical Opinion as “immaculate playing by this highly gifted artist. There are several rival versions of this wonderful music but none finer than this. First rate”

2019 will see the release of a CD exploring the “Fandango” for Brancusi Classics including works never before recorded and specially arranged for the piano by Alexander. He will also record Chopin’s 4 Ballades and the 24 Preludes by Debussy with Claudio Records.

He studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London with Paul Berkowitz and James Gibb. After graduating in 1995 with distinction he went on to study in Israel with Alexander Volkov and Pnina Salzman at the Rubins Academy in Tel Aviv.

Alexander has composed the music for three films, “Galatea”, “Sogni d’Oro and “Art in Heaven”, broadcast for BBC Radio and ABC Radio amongst others, and in 2020 he was invited by Steinway Pianos to join their international roster of Steinway Artists.

Passionate about teaching he has given numerous master classes and is on the staff at the University of Birmingham and the Junior Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London.


1972年出生于伦敦的年青的英国钢琴家-亚历山大波依德,从小就显露出超常的音乐天赋,11岁与英国广播公司苏格兰交响乐团指挥家耶齐·马克西米乌克合作,演奏莫扎特的第一钢琴协奏曲。自2001 年在伦敦威格莫尔音乐厅首次登台以来,常常出现在众多的世界级音乐厅和国际音乐节上。

未来一年,他将在英国各地举办音乐会,包括伦敦南岸中心、威格莫尔音乐厅、巴比肯音乐厅、康威音乐厅、牛津和剑桥大学,以及伯明翰的巴伯学院。他还将首次在美国、 西班牙、意大利和墨西哥举办音乐会。他每年回到澳大利亚出席许多重要的音乐节和在音乐厅的活動。2020 年将会有几场独奏会,包括他的新作品《新娘组曲》的首演,该作品是根据他的祖父亚瑟·博伊德的艺术作品创作的。


作品:格拉纳多斯(Granados)的《戈耶斯卡斯》(Goyescas)和阿尔贝尼兹(Albeniz)的《伊比利亚组 曲》(the Iberia Suite)被《国际钢琴杂志》(International Piano Magazine)形容为“引人入胜、 令人难以忘怀,充满诗意、精湛的技术和西班牙氛围”。并被评论为“极具天赋的艺术家的完美演奏”。"这首美妙的音乐有几个不同的版本,但没有比这首更好的了"。

2019 年亚历山大发行了一张 CD,为布兰卡西的经典作品探索“Fandango”,其中包括他从未录制和特别为钢琴安排的作品。他还将用 Claudio 录制肖邦的 4 首叙事曲和德彪西的 24 首前奏曲。

亚历山大曾为BBC广播电台和ABC广播电台等三部电影,分别为“加拉塔”,“奥格纳德·奥罗”和“天堂艺术”创作音乐,并于2020年应施坦威钢琴邀请其加入了 施坦威艺术家。

他曾师从保罗·伯科维茨和詹姆斯·吉布在伦敦的市政厅音乐戏剧学院学习。1995 年以优异成绩毕业,之后他前往以色列特拉维夫的鲁宾斯学院(Rubins Academy),师从亚历山大•沃 尔科夫(Alexander Volkov)和尼娜•萨尔茨曼(Pnina Salzman)。

成长于艺术世家的亚历山大不仅是一位钢琴演奏家,也是一位作曲家,曾为BBC广播电台和ABC广播电台等三部电影,分别为“加拉塔”,“奥格纳德·奥罗”和“天堂艺术”创作音乐,并于2020年应施坦威钢琴邀请其加入了 施坦威艺术家。




Cara Adam’s diverse performing career spans nearly 30 years. It has taken her across the country and into the Caribbean, from singing Antonia in the Tales of Hoffman with the Trinidad Opera Company, to most recently performing with some of Canada’s top Women in Musical theatre in Harold Green Jewish Theatre’s Streisand X9, she brings with her a depth of knowledge of both contemporary and classical styles. Recent roles include, Lisa in “Body Parts” New Ideas Festival, “A Boy Like That” & “A Rhapsody in Gershwin ” Harold Green Jewish Theatre, Dazzel Women of Musical Theatre, “Christine La Fleur” Toronto Street Theater, Celest Sunday in the Park with George, Mrs. Fezziwig A Christmas Carol & guest on My Living Room. Up next for Cara? She will be touring Canada in the Musical produ”No Change in the Weather”

“Remember every great dream begins with a dreamer, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars” – Harriet Tubman

Cara Adam有着近30年丰富的音乐表演经历。她的表演足迹遍及全加拿大甚至加勒比海地区。从饰演由Trinidad 歌剧公司排演的“霍夫曼故事”里的安东尼雅, 到最近在Harold Green犹太戏剧公司音乐剧“Streisand X9”演出的杰出女性角色。无论是在现代和古典音乐形式的表演中,她都展示出深厚知识储备和表演及驾驭角色的能力。其最近饰演的歌剧和音乐剧角色包括:在“新想法”活动节中《身体部分》里的丽莎,在Harold Green 犹太音乐剧公司的剧目“一个那样的男孩”和“柯什温狂想”里出演,在音乐剧“耀眼的女人”里饰演主角,在多伦多街头艺术节扮演“Christine La Fleur”。 接下来她将在音乐剧“季节里没有变化”担任主角演出,并进行加拿大全国巡演。

报名: http://momaart.org/cn/?p=392

Email: cimc.moma@gmail.com




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